Date: 30-06-24
Preacher: Ps Ong Kian Kee
Title: Joseph Wept
Joseph Wept
For today’s write-up, I would start with my gem when Ps Ong said that as believers when we seek to bring people to Christ, it should not be against a backdrop where the believer, who feels being in a more privileged position, reaching out to others but rather, the believer should see himself as a beggar reaching out to another in search of alms from God. That is a powerful reminder that serves to put us believers in our place when we want to evangelize.
Ps Ong’s message was based on Genesis 50:15-21. His lead-in was to make references to several important people who shed tears over various causes. Then he pointed out that there were 3 reasons that made Joseph weep: seeing his brothers again after a long separation, Jacob’s passing and the lack of understanding from his brothers. It was the third reason that Ps Ong focused on for his brothers had not only misunderstood Joseph but also misunderstood God. He drew a parallel between Jesus’ tears and Joseph’s and both cried for the love of others and over other people’s miseries.
So what was Joseph’s resolution for the misunderstanding? His weeping was an outpouring of love and that love could cover multitude of sins and forgiveness of
mistakes. Also Joseph wanted to forget the past and move on. Ps Ong said we must do likewise and one way is to be like Paul and that is to focus on Jesus and not be distracted. Joseph also enlightened his elder brother that God was in control. He also acknowledged God’s sovereignty in all matters by saying that only God has the right to judge and that all are equal before Him and that was where the gem I wrote about in the introduction was found. Joseph himself submitted to the will of God having suffered and learnt much from the pit where he was thrown into to the palace where he was second only to the pharoah. According to Ps Ong, it was God’s way of dealing with his pride for he would be greatly used.
And God’s intention? It is to preserve His people and that they get to know Him.