Date: 07-07-24
Preacher: Ps Joseph Tan
Title: All for God’s Glory
All for God’s Glory
For the past few weeks, after having moved a little from the Church’s theme for the year, it’s refreshing to once again listen to a message on the theme. It’s refreshing also because this was my first time listening to Ps Joseph although he had been here before.
He connected very well with the congregation as his sermon was well mapped out in his mind with the power point only serving as a guide.
Ps Joseph began with a big question on finding the purpose of life. He brought in his personal anecdotes how as a young man, he himself was struggling to find his purpose and when he did, he gave up his university admission for bible college. It was ironic that when his officer, a nonbeliever, found out about it when he was still in National Service asked him whether he needed to straighten his thoughts.
Having established the purpose of life and man’s purpose, Ps Joseph used Colossians 3:17 as the main reference in his message. By referencing to ‘in the name of the Lord Jesus’ in verse 17, he made 3 related points on the importance of ‘name’.
The first speaks of identity. Our name not only identifies us but also identifies to whom we belong. So, having the name of Christ not only identifies us with Christ but we belong to Him, and that we are to reflect who He is.
The second speaks of authority. The name of Jesus is the highest authority in all the universe.
The third speaks of responsibility and begs the question ’how do we glorify Him? Hence, we have the responsibility as children of God to do the Great Commission.
My gem comes from the beginning of Ps Joseph’s message when he said that it is futile to search for the purpose of life among man and that includes all his efforts and whatever undertakings. The only purpose that lasts the test of time is from God.