Date: 26-05-24
Preacher: Ps Colin Wong
Title: Do not dwell on the Sight of Salvation
Do not dwell on the Sight of Salvation
As we near the half-way mark for the year, it is good to receive a reminder that as Christians we should not remain status quo at the sight of salvation. It is indeed easy in cosy Singapore and as we age.
Ps Colin began by saying that most of us are contented to dwell on the sight of salvation for we are happy to have eternal security and when we can depend on God to supply our needs. In other words, we bask in His blessings and we perceive that God will grant all our requests. He supported his points with Jeremiah 29:11 and Psalm 103: 1-6.
He then went on to state that we should not remain as infants in our walk with Christ (1 Cor 3:1-3) and then shared with the congregation Paul’s appraisal of two types of Christians: those who belong to the flesh and those who belong to the spirit.
Those in the former group are mere infants in Christ, can only drink milk, are self-centred and are contented on the sight of salvation. They also have no appetite for the scriptures and are not willing to apply God’s principles in their daily lives. Nor will they invest in the Kingdom’s work. The latter group comprises those who are spiritually grown-ups and able to consume staple food. They are also God-centred and take up responsibilities for the Kingdom of God. They also delight in God’s presence, read the scriptures and pray often. They produce spiritual fruits and invest their time, talents and riches for the Kingdom of God.
Ps Colin shared many anecdotes to illustrate his points but the one that resonates with me most was the one where he shared how he used the GPS system in his car and how his son used the GPS system in his own car. Ps Colin would key in the required destinations and the system would then direct him to where he wanted to go. Once when he sat in his son’s car, his son merely told the system to ‘take me home’ and they were then driven home. So Ps Colin used this to illustrate that when we do not read the bible we would not realise the full potential of the power of the Word in our lives.