Date: 02-06-24
Preacher: Preacher Isaac Sun
Title: Glorify God through “Leading people to the Lord”
Glorify God through “Leading people to the Lord”
His title stated what he would talk about and he did exactly that. What was also precious was his choice of one of Jesus’ disciples to illustrate his points. The preacher was Mr Isaac Sun and the choice of Jesus’ disciple was Andrew. He drew upon that one to show how one as ordinary as Andrew could also draw people to Christ.
And who were the people whom Andrew drew to God? They were children, his own family members and the others who basically were the world at large. Preacher Isaac also shared not to wait for your children to turn 21 before we started sharing the gospel with them but to start them young.
I am now quite amazed (as I write this) why Preacher Isaac chose to focus on the ‘type’ of people whom Andrew brought to the kingdom of God. In present days, they are also people who are living in our midst, not those whom we must travel far to meet but just ordinary people living around us.
For each of the groups he mentioned it is also important for us how we witness for God. For example, he asked how we would react as parents when our children were to approach us while we were doing our quiet times. Would we tell them to go do their own things signifying that they were to leave us alone or would we include them in our activities too?
Also if we do not share the Word with our family and friends and should they be banished to hell, would they not shout out from the depths of hell our names for failing in our duty?
Preacher Isaac reminded us not just to be sensitive to the spirit but to take action too. It is my very heavy gem for the day.