Date: 21-01-24
Preacher: Rev Ramachandran
Title: Do All To The Glory of God
Do All To The Glory of God
This morning’s message was based on 1 Corinthians: 10-31.
As a great teacher of the Word, Rev Rama’s ‘lesson’(sermon) started with a good lead-in and having caught the ‘students’(congregation’s) attention, he taught his lesson and did a great summary towards the end before ending his sermon. No one in the congregation should say ‘I don’t understand what he was teaching.’
The lead-in contained relevant personal anecdotes to show what it means to glorify Him in good times and in bad too. He then shared 3 biblical references highlighting the glory of God. These were Ps 19:1, Romans 1:20 and Ps 104:31. Rev Rama then talked about the cultural mandate and answered the question why man was created. The short answer why man was created is to glorify Him.
Rev Rama then went to the core of his lesson on the areas we are to glorify God and he listed 4:
- As an individual
- He went to much length to show the importance of being Christ-like and gave many examples how because of that, many were brought to follow Him.
- As a church
- Here Rev Rama shared the importance of church unity. He also shared heart-breaking incidents he himself witnessed when church leaders tore each other apart. It was here I found my gem and that is ‘If you can/t build don’t destroy’.
- As a community
- Here he talked about being the salt and light to the people of the community and I was inspired by his sharing of the work of a certain 80-year-old church leader who is still actively bringing souls to the Lord.
- As a nation
- Here is where the Great Commission comes in.
I appreciate Rev Rama’s very organised sermon and he left no doubt in me why we are created to do all to the glory of God.