Date: 15-05-22
Preacher: Catherine Tay
Title: Seeking the Lord – What Do you See?
Seeking the Lord – What Do you See?
For this week I am responding a little differently. How do I make church life more interesting for myself?
It’s what I do in private first.
Let me elaborate. I hack a lot of IKEA products as I do a lot of DIY projects. In order to do that I need to know what I want and what Ikea offers. That makes it interesting. The process is one whereby I dictate to myself how I want to do it according to my terms.
Can I ‘hack’ my life with God for a more interesting relationship? I think in a way ‘yes’. So I have to find out more of his likes and dislikes, what pleases Him and what displeases Him, to know what to give up and what to do more of. In so doing I have to pray and read more of the bible or literature pertaining to Him. But I must not forget that while learning to know more of Him is great in making my relationship and church life more interesting, it is always on His term and not mine.
My seeking God includes me asking Him to feature more in my life. Like what sister Catherine says, it’s asking God to sanctify our sight. I remember it’s only a few weeks ago, I was so into asking God to sanctify my tongue. I still do but now my sight is included.
To make my life in Him more interesting, every Sunday service I would DIY for that 1 bible quote or part of the message which grips me and I write my own response to it.