Date: 12-01-25
Preacher: Bro Isaac Sun
Title: The Lord’s Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer
I have ever heard what is commonly known as the Lord’s Prayer and the content is not unfamiliar but to hear it being preached on is probably my first. And that was what Bro Isaac did this morning in keeping with this year’s theme of ‘pray without ceasing’. While Pastor Png set the stage for the annual theme last week, Bro Isaac, by preaching on the Lord’s Prayer, brought the congregation to the basis of what it means to pray.
Bro Isaac began by asking 3 questions to which the answers were obvious: Do you breathe just once? Do you eat just once? And do you bathe just once? And so it is with prayers which is akin to spiritual breathing and if we want to maintain our relationship with God.
Then he asked the congregation to look at the first phrase of the Lord’s Prayer which is ‘our father in heaven’. Bro Isaac pointed out that we have a spiritual father in Heaven as much as we have our earthly one on earth and we are not orphans. He said that that utterance forms the basis of the entire prayer and it gives a spiritual atmosphere. It is from that spiritual basis that His kingdom will come and His will be done.
Next he focused on the first word ‘our’ and asked the congregation why not ‘my’? He said that signifies we are not alone in our prayer for Christ is praying with us too. We are also praying in unity with our brothers and sisters-in-Christ. It is a whole support system that we are also praying on behalf of our fellow believers who may be so overwhelmed by earthly pressures that they can’t even pray any more! In other words we pray to intercede too. And sometimes that’s how we ourselves feel when God seem remote and we are overwhelmed with earthly demands so we need the Holy Spirit to help us in our struggles and allow the love of God to fill our lives as we overcome our obstacles.
Next, the phrase ‘hallowed be your name’. It is a reminder to all not to treat God’s name in vain. In an unforgiving world any wrong actions done by a Christian is quickly ascribed blame to the Christian person as a believer. It is conveniently blaming God for a human error. It is also a reminder for us to use all available channels for people to know Him, to experience Him and His power, like His ability to heal. It is also a call to action to all believers to use every opportunity to exalt Him, to glorify Him, to preach and share about Him.
Finally in the Lord’s Prayer we are assured that God is in control as we stand not on our own but with others to spread and glorify His name.