Date: 19-01-25
Preacher: Ps Colin Wong
Title: Living in Divine Dependence
Living in Divine Dependence
The title of the message was a good reference to the annual theme ‘Pray Without Ceasing’ and Ps Colin began by asking the congregation what would happen if they were to wake one morning to find their handphone unable to function. Most would be in a state of flutter as we had grown so dependent on it. He then remarked that there were more important connections such as our connection to God. He covered 5 points relating to this aspect.
The first is ‘Understanding true dependence’. He spent much time using various examples to illustrate. He used his love for his wife as a first example that although he loved her, he need not tell her every waking moment for his heart knew it. It’s like a child looking to his/her parents for constant support. It’s like when one is swimming one has to constantly surface for air. In summary understanding true dependence and to pray without ceasing mean to live in a state of God’s consciousness.
Ps Colin then asked why then are people in general not praying without ceasing. The answer is found is his second point ‘Breaking self-sufficiency’. We have a tendency to admire people who are self-sufficient and we pray only when there is a need. Then he quoted Nehemiah, a prayer warrior, whose prayer was instrumental in rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem. Ps Colin then shared that a lotus seed can be in ‘hibernation’ for as long as 1300 years but it still remains a seed. For it to grow it needs nutrients from the soil and likewise for us Christians to thrive we need the God-created community for its support system. He then cautioned us that success may come at a price when Christians move away from God in self-sufficiency. He highlighted Hudson Taylor’s reference to three stages to every great work of God: first it is impossible, then it is difficult, then it is done. This then should encourage us all the more and not deter us from praying without ceasing.
Ps Colin’s third point is ‘The Paradox of Strength in Weakness’. He aptly used the example of wind surfers on a day of calm sea when we would witness a wind surfer falling into the water occasionally. The surfer depended on the humble sail which is just an ordinary piece of fabric but when rightly positioned is able to harness the wind to propel the surfer forward and he believed for wind surfers, the rougher the seas the more thrilling surfing is. Likewise we shouldn’t begrudge the rough seas of our lives for these are the moments we can be thrilled to see God’s work if our sails have been so prepared.
Ps Colin’s fourth point is ‘Create Collective Dependence’. This shows the power of corporate prayer. He cited the example of Peter who was in prison and his church came together to pray for him and they were still in the midst of their prayer when he knocked on their door. Some were caught by surprise how fast the prayer worked.
His final point covers some practical applications on what it means to pray without ceasing:
- These include asking ourselves what areas of our life we are operating in self-sufficiency.
- We can bring up three areas of our life that need prayers.
- We can also keep a journal of gratitude that each time a prayer is answered we can record it.
- We can have a prayer partner or join a prayer group.
Finally he shared the story of David Livingstone who was serving in Africa where a tribal chief set out with his people in an effort to kill David and his team of missionaries. They tracked him and were on the verge of the killing but pulled back eventually. The chief himself and his people were later converted and when David asked why their lives were spared that night, the chief said they saw 47 armed warriors protecting David and his team that night. When David later returned to Scotland, he gave a testimony of this episode to the church that supported his mission. A brother-in-Christ then shared with David that one night 47 men had come together to pray for him and when he asked David for the date of his near-death encounter, both their recorded dates matched!
Pray and Praise God!