Date: 20-10-24
Preacher: Ss Ruth Moh
Title: We are workmanship of God’s hand
We are workmanship of God’s hand
The symbol of the cross with all its related meanings was brought across to the congregation this morning in a manner that only God knows how. It was not through a fiery speaker pronouncing a doomsday scenario but through simple and down-to-earth testimonies of a sister-in-Christ.
The main biblical reference was from Ephesians 2:10 and right from the start Sister Ruth took pains to share with the congregation how special each of us is in God’s eyes. She began talking about a painting painstakingly done by her niece as a gift to her and now takes its pride of place in her living room. In her eyes all Christians are like that painting in God’s eyes.
Then Sister Ruth shared the What?, How? and Why? of God’s workmanship in our lives. Under the ‘What?’ we are all God’s masterpieces, creation and works of art. In all of these, it also reveals God’s sovereignty over our lives as revealed in Isa 64:8 and Jer 18:4. From the foregoing 2 references, we are not done deals once He has created us but He also has the power to shape us according to His will. Under the ‘How?’, Ephesians 1:4 shows to us how we were chosen and created in Jesus’ image even before the world was born and under the ‘Why?’, Sister Ruth shared that we are to do His work according to His will.
The next part of the message, Sister Ruth shared her life journey and how much God had featured in her life as she responded to His calling. It was a consistent calling to take up the cross and each time she did, there was God doing His part and not letting her down.
Even after the conclusion, Sister Ruth shared the testimony of an eighty plus year old man who was suffering from a terminal disease and when her husband and her went to minister to him, she actually had the intention to not say anything during the visit but after listening to the man’s secular wish to earn a lot of money even at his death-bed (in a sense), she decided to step in and share the testimony of her husband’ s first wife who actually was praising God literally to her last breath. That testimony converted that man.
And her conclusion? It was summed up in her last slide ‘Purpose of life: To do the good works prepared by God. To be a testimony for the Lord.’
I believe she had practised what she preached.