Date: 03-11-24
Preacher: Rev Yee
Title: The Fragrance of Christ
The Fragrance of Christ
The biblical reference for this morning’s message was taken from 2 Cor 2:14-17.
This morning’s message is a continuation of Rev Yee’s treatment of the Church’s annual theme but this time his focus is on drawing others to Christ with our reborn fragrance. His previous focus was on becoming the salt and light of the earth.
In his introduction, he drew the congregation’s attention to the fact that the memory of smell is more lasting and clearer than the memories from the other senses and is not easy to forget. He also gave examples of how in the secular world, the concept of smell is often used to draw parallel to one’s character, often in the negative sense. He also pointed out that people do not emit fragrance but only perfumes do.
Before expounding on his scriptural references, he said that the fragrance of Christ is not something added from the outside but a beautiful ‘fragrance’ emitted by the inner life. Verse 14 leads us from captivity to triumph with the experience of salvation wherever we are. We are also to diffuse the fragrance of Christ and that is to witness for Him. I like the way Rev Yee warned us that although we have been saved we still have 2 lives, the old and the new, so we must be wary of ourselves too.
Verse 15 talks about being God’s fragrance emitted by the sacrifices made so we are to bear witness and not to lose our testimonies, for our lives are to help others know Christ. Verse 16 is sobering for it is up to the individual to either accept or reject our fragrance. Those who accept, they have accepted the aroma of life but to those who reject, they have accepted the aroma of death.
Verse 17 accorded us a warning against false fragrances so relevant to us in this world of scams. As the fragrance of Christ is related to man’s eternal life or death, it is an invaluable thing. As with all things valuable there will be fakes so Verse 17 warns us of false prophets whose motivations are for selfish gains.
His sharing of an anecdote when he was a child was especially pertinent. He shared as a young child he had listened to the lyrics of a song that shows how one can be a lamb in church but a wolf at home and that has impacted him to this day.
I like his sharing of the quote with regards to our Christian life when he was with the Navigators and that is ‘To know Him and let Him be known’ and may I add in the context of today’s message ‘anytime, anywhere’. As Christians let us also not repel people from God with our bad ‘odour’.