Date: 28-04-24
Preacher: Ps Santar Singh
Title: Pray Never Give Up
Pray Never Give Up
The main biblical reference for this morning’s message was based on Luke 18:1-8.
I think I have never heard an interpretation from that part of the bible and it was certainly refreshing. I should say it contained an admonition too.
Ps Santar’s lead-in to his message was an interesting anecdote of his then 3 year-old grand-daughter’s prayer to cure her of her fever. It was an exercise in faith that cannot be purer from a young child.
Ps Santar also reminded the congregation that one should always read the bible in its context. Hence he went back to Luke 17 to set the context when the Pharisees asked Jesus when the kingdom of God would come and Jesus answered that it was not something that could be observed nor would people say ‘here it is’ or ‘there it is’ because the kingdom is in our midst. In short ‘it is here and not yet’. Hence Jesus did not answer the ‘when’ question with a time but He answered with a ‘where’. Ps Santar then recounted an incident as an example to show what it meant that the kingdom of God is in our midst. He shared how a domestic helper told her employer that she was overpaid by $30 and to which the employer remarked that he could rely on his helper because as a Christian, she always spoke the truth.
In the same chapter, Jesus also told His disciples that when the Son of Man returns, they are not to go after their possessions to retrieve them for they may lose not only what they hanker after but their lives too. Jesus then used the powerful imagery of the vultures encircling the dead bodies of those who have lost their lives because they are after the wrong treasures.
Ps Santar then returned to Verse 18 recounting the woman who went to seek justice from a judge who did not fear God and man. The judge took a long time and finally decided to dispense justice just so he could get rid of the woman from bothering him again. Jesus then went on to compare God’s love for man and how He would see justice done for those who seek Him, unlike the earthly judge.
Hence, from the above scriptural evidence, Ps Santar concluded that we should never give up but pray incessantly. This is because:
- We have the indisputable revelation of God’s nature
- We know God’s nature so we should persevere in trust and
- There is a destination where our steadfast faith is headed for the kingdom of God is connected to faith.
My gem for today was Ps Santar’s question at the end ‘Who is really your God?’ Our answer should frighten us enough.