Date: 06-10-24
Preacher: Ps Colin Wong
Title: Living to Honour God in All Things
Living to Honour God in All Things
Ps Colin’s messages are often peppered with humour but they certainly do not lack substance. It is his hallmark and certainly helps to sustain attention. The main biblical reference for this morning’s message is from Colossians 3:17.
The message was covered in three main points and the first is honouring God through obedience. Under this, he shared the life of Liddell, who, in the 1924 Summer Olympics, refused to run the heats because they were held on a Sunday. He was severely chastised for his action but in the days that followed, he won gold in the 400-metre event. In honouring God, he himself was honoured posthumously 100 years later for his success in the Olympics of 1924.
The next point Ps Colin covered was honouring God through our attitudes. He quoted Philippians 2:14-15 to support his point and shared the lives of Mary and Martha in Luke 10:38-42. During Jesus’ visit to their home, Mary was found at the feet of Jesus whereas Martha was busy preparing food for their important guest and as time wore on Martha’s anger grew, for she felt that no one was helping her. She felt that Jesus should have told her sister, Mary, off for not lending a hand. But for those who are familiar with this biblical episode, we learnt that Martha was told off by Jesus instead for not choosing the right thing to do like Mary. So not only was Martha’s attitude wrong, her choice of not sitting at Jesus’s feet was wrong too.
The third point is honouring God in hard times. Here Ps Colin quoted 2 Corinthians 12:9 and also shared the life of Kent Brantly, an American physician who chose to stay in West Africa to treat patients during the Ebola outbreak of 2014. He subsequently contracted the dread disease but made a full recovery and continued to dedicate his life to helping those in need and honouring God through his work.
As a congregation we were challenged whether we would still remain steadfast in our faith when we face adverse situations or are we mere Sunday worshippers.