Date: 03-03-24
Preacher: Sister Ruth Moh
Title: In All Things Glorify God
In All Things Glorify God
To this morning’s message, the secular me would respond ‘What a positively infectious message!’ However, knowing better, I am aware of the anointing power of the Holy Spirit on Sister Ruth and she delivered a message that massaged the soul. To me, it was that powerful!
However, I was a bit doubtful at first as when 1 Cor 10:31 was flashed on the screen, I had the feeling of familiarity and I thought it was more of the same. Then 4 slides later, when Sister Ruth spoke on the purpose of men and quoted the answer from the Shorter Westminster Catechism that ‘Man's chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy him forever’, I was on the verge of feeling validated.
But we are talking about a God that is full of surprises and He surprised me yet again.
Sister Ruth’s message was peppered with anecdotes that seemed so ordinary and it’s precisely because of that, any one in the congregation could easily identify with them and said ‘yes, that could happen to me too’. That ordinary relevance sort of clings to one’s soul.
After laying the groundwork by defining God’s glory, the purpose of men’s existence and the related principles as expounded by Jesus with regards to the glory of God, Sister Ruth went on to 3 areas where we can glorify God and these are:
- In eating
- In the boundaries of our lives as demarcated by God, and
- In times of suffering
In each of the areas above she gave a most interesting and relevant anecdote.
She concluded most aptly by saying that each and everyone of us is a little Christ and if that doesn’t sum up our purpose here on Earth, I don’t know what does.