Date: 07-01-24
Preacher: Ps Png
Title: Do all to the glory of God
Do all to the glory of God
The main biblical reference for this morning’s message was 1 Corinthians 10:31.
When I first got wind of the church’s theme for the year 2024, ‘Do all to the glory of God’, my initial focus was on the word ’to’ as I wondered whether ‘for’ would be more appropriate. Then I had my doubt clarified with Pastor Png. God already has infinite glory and there is no need for mere mortals to do anything more ‘for’ His glory, less we be too carried away outdoing one another for His glory (or our own?) and focusing instead on our efforts and not on Him. I settled that but when I had to chair the Sunday Service and met the title again, I felt it was both wide and narrow. Wide because we are supposed to ‘do all’ yet eventually what we do is narrowed down to specific actions. So I was wondering how the topic would be handled.
Pastor Png settled my doubt with a great message that went to the length and breadth of the title and indeed she delivered it to the glory of God.
She started with a question ‘who is He to deserve all the glory?’ To me it’s a great question to begin with because to some of us who don’t just believe, it serves to answer the doubt ’why should I believe in you?’
Next Pastor Png asked what is meant by the glory of God? It means to show God's weightiness, His worth, His value, His majesty, and His beauty. And we must do everything to all that glory.
Yes, why shouldn’t He that creates us deserve all the glory?
Then again she asked ‘why do we need to do all to this God?’ Can you see how she was covering all grounds with this related question? I feel it is still a pertinent question because when we honour God through our actions, others will seek to honour Him too. There is also the accountability element for us as believers. Included in the accountability is also not to seek our own ways but an understanding of His ways and in so doing, others will get an understanding of Him too. I like the way she put it ‘that we bear the image of God so we show forth this glory too.’
So how do we do all to the glory of God? Pastor Png mentioned that unless our real aim is to glorify Him, our work will fall short. To begin with, let Him lay claims on all we do. It means also to forget ourselves or to die to our selves. We must also constantly reflect on His qualities: His kindness, His holiness, His love etc. In short, it is God first, others second and us third. Individually, we also need to identify our own areas to do all to his glory.
So as a church how do we do all to His glory? She listed four areas below:
- Read the bible to discover the way of life God loves
- Fellowship with brothers and sisters in the church
- Join the Sunday Service regularly
- Join the monthly Fasting and Prayer
Yes, I am now convinced the theme sits well with me. Going forward, it would be interesting how invited speakers for the Sunday Service will handle the given theme.