Date: 31-03-24
Preacher: Pastor Ong
Title: Destroying the Power of Death
Destroying the Power of Death
It was an Easter message like none other for Ps Ong delivered the message without the usual good news of Christ resurrected but one which focused on our fear of death. And what great relevance it was!
I like it when he said that when God first created man, death was not part of our DNA. It was a result of the Original Sin that caused death to be inscribed into our lives.
The biblical reference for this morning’s message was taken from Heb 2:14-18.
Ps Ong began by stating that a man’s need is very much tied to his circumstances and that most have not really considered what their ultimate need is. And that ultimate need has to do with where one would go after one’s death. He said in that respect perhaps some ancient people were more ‘progressive’ than the modern people of the day for many would have made preparations for their after-life. He also mentioned that the Chinese were particularly superstitious on the subject of death and many would rather not discuss that taboo subject. He listed 3 ways how most people of the world would deal with death and these are:
- Escape
- Delay
- Self comfort
Ps Ong said most people are not fearful about the moment of death but the aftermath, for they are clueless of where they would be headed after that, something no one has control over. There is also the fear of judgement after death.
Finally, he said that Christ’s solution to the problem is two-fold. Through His death, He destroys the power of death and through His resurrection, believers are delivered like Christ was.