Date: 15-01-23
Preacher: Pastor Samuel Sia
Title: The Church God Desires
The Church God Desires
Pastor Sia started by asking ‘are we employees that our employers desire?’ or for that matter, ‘are we students that our teachers desire?’ I like that he began with that perspective for it immediately drew me into his message because most of us are able to identify with the given context.
Pastor Samuel based the initial part of his sermon on John 21:1-25. The context was the time not long after Jesus’ crucifixion. Without their shepherd, we see his disciples drifting away and Jesus himself than appeared to them to provide eternal lessons for mankind for what needed to be done thereafter. To me, this provides a valuable backdrop to drive home the kind of church that God desires.
The other important aspect of Pastor Sia’s message was a blueprint to build God’s church for without which, we are not going to do what He so desires. In broad strokes, he pointed out that the church must teach, equip and being pastoral.
Although Pastor Sia did not spell out a physical blueprint that God would desire to build His church, his was a spiritual one. And that to me, is the perspective to take to build a church that God desires.