Date: 05-02-23
Preacher: Bro Swee Nam
Title: The Bride of Christ
The Bride of Christ
In keeping to this year’s theme of ‘the church God desires’, Bro Swee Nam did very well to remind the congregation of the pitfalls of keeping up with developments in modern times. Unwittingly the church may also compromise biblical principles to accommodate these developments.
I think by alluding the church to the bride of Christ in his message, there is no room for compromise as it is sound biblical or moral principle whether you look at it from the biblical standpoint or a human one, for which man does not want a chaste bride.
What strikes me is his concern of how to preserve our love for Christ as our first love, for a church may organize all manners of events and activities but the believer may still lose that original love for the church. Hence, it is vital to keep that love alive by continuously fanning our amber to keep it burning for Christ.