Date: 12-03-23
Preacher: Samuel Sia
Title: Enter His Gates with Thanksgiving, and Enter His Courts with Praise!
Enter His Gates with Thanksgiving, and Enter His Courts with Praise!
This morning, as time went on and as Pastor Sia got on with his message, I was getting a bit desperate for I could not find my gem that I needed to write on.
Then the Holy Spirit prompted me to look at the title and I soon realized that the good Pastor was doing just that: expounding what the title required of him.
More importantly, I realized that God was doing something that had not been done for sometime, and that was to hold us to some ‘code of conduct’ when we come to worship Him every Sunday. And Pastor Sia took pains to do that, to the extent that I thought why he was so ’rules-based’ for God.
I dare say, most times when we come for Sunday worship, we come with a sense of whatever that is the mood of the day. We sort of allow that mood to dictate how we worship and most times, we are lucky because the Holy Spirit rules and we feel better after worship. And we say we have been ministered to.
However, Pastor Sia did not bother what mood we were in. God, through him, wanted to hold us to His standard of worship that would serve to make us stronger(for lack of a better word) believers. That standard, once we make our way into the most holy place, pays scan heed to how we feel but requires us to pay attention to what we must do in our worship. So, it’s a grim reminder to us that IT”S ALL ABOUT HIM.
So thank you Pastor Sia for a message that you were able to deliver to remind us not to base our believer’s faith on just our feelings/mood/emotion/thoughts etc but on His Word.
I am so much in awe of his message that I find it hard to leave this page for the entire message is one big diamond.
Still, 2 verses stood out for me: John 4:23 and 1 Corinthians 14:14-15. I am not going to reproduce them here but if you care enough do look them up.