Date: 30-10-22
Preacher: Bro Swee Nam
Title: Seeking God - Spiritual Sight
Seeking God - Spiritual Sight
This morning’s message was one in the spiritual realm. Not that the others in the weeks gone by were not, as seeking God would also mean seeking the Holy Spirit too. The theme dealt with literally seeing things in the spiritual domain. It means God allowing us mere mortals a glimpse of what’s happening in the spiritual realm as we seek Him earnestly.
This is rare but what we see then would settle our fears and dispose of our unbelief. The scriptural reference would be 2Kings 6: 8-23.
What grabbed me was Brother Swee Nan’s statement that ‘it is the battle in the spiritual world that determines the victory or defeat of the battle in the material world’.
It means many times, we may be unaware of the battles that God is helping us fight in the spiritual world and because of that we are ‘safe’ in the material world. So we just take for granted that our prayers have been answered without us doing anything but merely praying.