Date: 23-10-22
Preacher: Rev Patrick Lau
Title: Don’t Fret but seek the Lord
Don’t Fret but seek the Lord
Lately I encountered some issues pertaining to my faith so I prayed to God and He told me to take one day at a time. To me it I felt He could be more specific in His response and I certainly got it from Rev Lau’s message today.
In his message telling us not to fret over what is seemingly unfairness when we see evil ones prospering, he shared 3 things that we as believers can do.
The first is to put our trust in God. (Ps 3-6). Who else can we trust?
The second is to focus and that is to take delight in the Lord. (Ps 4)
The third is to have patience. (Ps 7-8) This seems obvious but can be the hardest to do.
So in my case, to take one day at a time is to trust Him, focus by delighting in Him and yes, to have patience. And surprisingly, that is what I actually need.