Date: 03-7-22
Preacher: Rev Yee
Title: Seek God
Seek God
Today’s message in Chinese was based on 1Chronicle 16: 10-11 and Jeremiah 29:13.
It is a testament to God’s creative tension in man (aka Holy Sprit) that the same theme for the year could be treated so creatively by the respective speaker for the week, every week. You would know if you document each week and even though the same theme is repeated each week, the newness of the theme is not lost in repetition but enhanced.
For this week, I was struck by the good speaker’s early declaration that “seeking God” does not stop with “I found it”. How true it is that each time when we set out to find something, our mission stops when we have found it. Unfortunately for most of us it is the same with seeking God. We sort of stop short once we believe and stop there. No wonder, our power from Him would cease too.
We need to progress in our relationship with Him and he went on to share with us not to treat the Lord as a sleeping partner in our ‘business’ as Christians. We would not want to offend Him less we want our ‘business’ to fail.