Date: 01-05-22
Preacher: Pastor Png Yoke Hoon
Title: David - A Man After God’s Own Heart
David - A Man After God’s Own Heart
‘One of the wonderful things about the Bible is that its heroes are made up of flawed people, like you and me.’
Hey, I can identify with that; no, not the hero part but ‘the flawed people’ bit. After all, David himself was an adulterer and he had killed.
We might not have done what he had done, but doing bad things in the mind is crime enough. So, no excuse is ever good enough in His eyes but still He can accept us if we are after His heart.
It’s God telling me I don’t have to be perfect to be accepted by Him. It’s Him telling me I don’t have to be presumptuous to be in His presence because He accept me whole, warts and all.
I will then live a life after His heart.
York Sing