Date: 28-07-24
Preacher: Ps Lorena Tsai
Title: Pray! Never Give Up!
Pray! Never Give Up!
Today’s main biblical reference was taken from Luke 18:1-8.
As Christians, we are often reminded of the importance and power of prayers and so today’s message did the same. I was spiritually enriched this morning because the service ended with an altar call, something we haven’t had for some time.
Ps Lorena stressed the importance of prayers, as a faith that persists and does not give up in praying will bring change and hope to our lives. In fact, often when we are discouraged because God does not seem to answer our prayers, we should also be mindful that if we do not pray, we will soon be discouraged by circumstances and one need not look far to see what these circumstances are in these days, other than our own personal ones.
Ps Lorena focused on two aspects relating to our prayer life. The first is we should always pray and not give up. The second is we need to have a faith that endures to the end.
With regards to the first, we should pray regardless of time, place or matter and we should pray at any time. She quoted an example of her church member who is in her nineties but would just break into prayer should there be any request for her to pray. In short we should equate our prayers with our breathing.
Why should we pray? It is because not only do we have a just God who will plead on our behalf, we also have an adversary that is powerful like Satan.
For a faith that endures, Luke 18:8 is a sobering one: “I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?” This is Jesus reminding us to pray always without becoming weary. This is also in keeping with Luke 21:36 – “Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man.”
It is also His wish for us to participate in His glory and His kingdom plan so we do not only pray for our own needs but go beyond the confines of our hearts.