Date: 11-08-24
Preacher: Preacher Isaac Sun
Title: Miracle of “5 loaves and 2 fish”
Miracle of “5 loaves and 2 fish”
It was a pleasant surprise to see Preacher Isaac when I arrived in church this morning as I thought it would be someone else. I always look forward to his subtle humour when he preaches. The biblical reference for this morning’s message was taken from John 6:1-15.
Preacher Isaac started by giving the background from which Jesus would perform the miracle of the 5 loaves and 2 fishes. He said the venue of the wilderness would be one next to impossible to find any food to feed such a huge crowd numbering 5000 who are human with real physical needs.
Next, Jesus would bring about the miracle by questioning Philip how they would be able to feed the multitude present. Philip answered by making reference to how even if they could have access to a great amount of money, it would not be enough. Philip’s answer laid the groundwork for Jesus’ miracle, for man would often always resort to earthly resources to solve problems even though they knew the miracle-performing Jesus was at hand. In Philip’s case, he was talking to the Man himself! So isn’t it time to realise that and to put our faith on our miracle-working God?
Next, Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, had to hand over a child’s selfless contribution of 5 loaves and 2 fishes. That completed man’s part for Jesus’ miracle to take place. Although Jesus had the authority and power, we must play our part too. (It is worthwhile to note that Preacher Isaac said Jesus did not create food out of thin air by praying out loud and food then fell from the sky.) When that was done, Jesus instructed his disciples to make all 5000 or so to sit down and not a single person insisted on doing otherwise as it was a mammoth task to sit 5000 on the ground. That signifies obedience and that ingredient is vital in our Christian walk with Jesus. It goes to show that blessings will come the way of those who obey.
Then Jesus gave thanks before asking his disciples to distribute the loaves and fishes to all present. And as Christians we must constantly remind ourselves where our blessings come from. The people present also did not show greed and so the 5 loaves and 2 fishes were greatly multiplied to not only being able to feed the masses but from gathering of the fragments under Jesus’ command to not waste, they were able to fill 12 baskets more. This signifies to us that we are to share His blessings with others and that implies the Great Commission too.
Finally, the people who witnessed this miracle all thought that Jesus should be their rightful king and they would have also forced this upon Jesus had He stayed around. Instead He left for the mountain alone. He could have glorified himself but He knew that God must not be robbed of His glory.