Date: 07-08-22
Preacher: Chen Meng Xia
Title: Seeking God through the journey of faith
Seeking God through the journey of faith
Heb 11:8 caught my attention for today’s message.
‘By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.’
We all want an eternal hometown in Heaven, which for now, none of us on earth can envision. As believers that’s a prize we hope to claim when we meet Him eventually.
However if He were to tell us to leave our cosy homes and trappings of comfort, how many of us can be like Abraham to just uproot and go? And worse, go to ‘God knows where’.
Think about it, and what if claiming that heavenly hometown is conditional on going ‘God knows where’ but we don’t?